Latest real estate developments in Granada, Spain: Inheritance Tax changes that will affect expats and Spaniards alike

Mathew Wood, our expert from Hola Properties, based in Lanjarón, explains the inheritance tax changes that are going to impact Granada real estate… and hit people where it hurts – in the wallet.

ONE OF THE most significant recent developments in the real estate market of Granada province is the update to inheritance tax laws, which has considerable implications for expats and locals alike. The new rules, effective from 2024, have introduced less favorable conditions for those inheriting property in Spain, in certain circumstances.

Understanding the new Inheritance Tax rules

Previously, inheritors could benefit from an almost 100% tax break, making the process relatively painless. However, the updated regulations now cap tax allowances at a maximum of 50%, significantly impacting the financial landscape for heirs. The exact allowances vary depending on the relationship to the deceased and the region, with children under 21 receiving up to €47,859 tax allowance, while older children, spouses, and parents get €15,957. More distant relatives, like siblings and nieces, receive just €7,993, and others, including unmarried partners not recognised as common law couples, get no allowance​.

Implications for expats and Spanish nationals

This change is particularly relevant for expats looking to sell the house they inherited, and move back to their home country, and Spanish nationals selling inherited property. For expats, the potential capital gains tax on selling inherited property now demands more careful financial planning. Similarly, Spanish nationals may find the increased tax burden an unexpected challenge when liquidating inherited assets.

Unique perspective and analysis

For expats: The new inheritance tax rules could be a wake-up call for those who have recently inherited property. Selling these properties might now involve higher taxes, which could significantly impact your financial return. It’s crucial to consider these factors when deciding whether to keep or sell the inherited property. Consulting a tax advisor who understands the tax laws both in Spain and your home country is now more important than ever.

For Spanish nationals: If you’ve inherited a property, the increased tax burden might make selling more attractive to avoid long-term financial strain. However, it’s essential to weigh this against the potential appreciation in property value, especially in a desirable location like Granada.

Why expertise matters: Navigating these new regulations can be daunting, but that’s where you consult an expert – such as Hola Properties. It is important that you are dealing with someone who fully understands the local real estate market and the latest legislative changes. The objective, clearly, is to maximise your returns and minimise your tax liabilities. Whether you’re an expat planning to return to your home country, or a local resident dealing with an inherited property, informed decisions are your best ally!

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